Monday, August 13, 2007

Music Monday & An Update To My Leg Issues :) !

This week's group is an old favorite. This song, in particular, has been on repeat in my head (if not in my Cd player). I struggle with faith. My salvation is secure. I just struggle with worry over unnecessary things. I love this song. It always sets my mind-a-wanderin'. Enjoy!

OH! And my leg isn't broken!!It is either a deep bone bruise or nerve damage. Time will tell if I need to investigate the nerve issue. Apparently, it can take several months for a deep bone bruise to heal completely. No crutches, no cast needed. Praise the Lord!

1 comment:

Faye Creech said...

So glad it's not broken!! And as for planning, it can be overwhelming chosing from so much good stuff. Just remember that you have lots more years to come and don't have to do everything in one year :) (That's my problem - I want to do IT ALL!) Take care and I'll pray for your planning and a smooth transition as your hubby starts back.