Last week's graduation festivities were a wonderful time for our family. This was taken at the reception on Thursday night.

Friday morning was graduation. Mere words cannot express the amount of pride that I have for my husband. Some of you are probably getting sick of hearing me say it, but it is true.
Having a moment with Cooper after the ceremony.
I can't stop thinking about the many life lessons that my children have learned over the last four years about stamina, strength, priorities, and God's provision.

I did pretty well when Nathan walked across the stage to accept his diploma- until I looked over at his Mom and she was in tears. I imagine that she has an entirely different, although equally as significant, type of pride about this accomplishment. I pray that Nathan's lessons to our kids about toughing it out when the task seems daunting will help insure that
I will feel that same pride one day.
Often, the Lord sends the Holy Spirit to us to provide us with comfort and peace. Sometimes, he sends friendships with common thread and common hearts that comfort you in much the same way. I am blessed to have been given friends like that on this journey
(even with my eyes closed, LOL!)
We had a great graduation party on Saturday and a busy Sunday of service and worship. Sunday night Graycen became ill and ended up staying home Tuesday also. Tuesday also brought an unexpected invitation to Nathan to go visit a church that has been speaking with him regarding an open position on their staff. We quickly got him packed and ready to head out early this a.m. for a six hour drive. In doing so, it was hard not to think about all the unknowns and possible BIG changes in our future. I got good advice to push those thoughts aside until more concrete information was decided. This morning, we kissed Nathan goodbye and have been lifting prayers for his safety, his clear vision, and that the Lord would guide him ever since.
Imagine how my heart jumped out of my chest a little while ago when I answered the knock at the door to find these...

Isn't he dreamy? ;o)
Congrats on Nathan's graduation! That is an awesome accomplishment. I'm praying for your future!
You have good reason to be proud. What a beautiful surprise, too!
Praying that he finds a position soon.
TEARS! You love to do that to me! ;)
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the picture at the reception. You were right. ;)
What a great weekend we had! I was so excited to see Nathan walk across that stage too! What a wonderful accomplishment!!!
Love you!
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