Thursday, May 22, 2008

So sad this morning.

In my previous post, I said

"Some people suffer MUCH greater than I have or ever will and I know that."

This morning, I woke up and found another example of just that. I cannot imagine the suffering that these families are experiencing right now. I pray that Lord provides comfort that only He could provide in this.

Maybe even WHILE I was penning my previous post on struggling, events were happenening that would introduce struggling to the family of Steven Curtis Chapman in a way that I can't even begin to imagine. Click on the photo for the story from Fox news.

After I finished writing posting on my blog, I checked my bloglines and found this story about Lilli Grace on my Sister-in-law's blog.

Please join me in praying for these two families. One has pain that is new and is probably still proccessing. The other is about to reach a birthday without a birthday girl here to celebrate it. I cannot imagine this kind of struggle...

Lord, be with them.

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