Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where, oh, where, oh where is Angela?

I stopped by briefly before to explain that I was ever-so-busy in Wifemamaland. still am. However, Nathan is in bed and the kids are tucked neatly into class (or something like that), so I am taking a quick train to Peaceandquietown for a few minutes.

Whaaaaaaaazuuuuup? Nathan was laid off last Tuesday. (Okay, so maybe I got off that train a little early and ended up in Abruptland!) It was a complete shocker, not that any of us should get too comfy in our paying jobs in this economy, but we really had no idea this was coming. They hired Nathan just over tow months ago for his strong experience, without even an open position. We just had no indication of a major lay-off happening this soon. Right now, you may find yourself asking, "What are you going to do with five children and no j-o-b?!?!?!" I asked myself that for a few minutes also. Then I contacted some great ladies and within 5 short minutes, had my answer. Within five minutes of sending a "help me, I need to be strong and I don't feel strong"- S.O.S, I was flooded with scripture that answered all of my fears and angst. Before Nathan walked through the door, I was controlled and ready to talk about our future and the steps we now needed to take without flooding him with emotion or fear. You see, the same God who had been sovereign over our lives when Nathan left to go to work on Tuesday morning, was still in control as he drove home Tuesday evening without a job.

The Lord provided some severance for us and Nathan is getting a head start on sending out ministry applications and resumes. With Nathan graduating in May, we were planning on looking into open positions then anyway. Part of me thinks that this was the Lord's way of closing the door on our "easy way out" and making it abundantly clear that Nathan was called to full-time ministry. The Lord has closed this door for a reason and we are working towards finding the new chapter of our life that He has written.

Until then, we are praying for wisdom, for strength, and for peace during this time of searching. Nathan and I have enjoyed a great week together, checking things off of our ever-growing to-do list. For Nathan, I am specifically praying for the Lord to keep him safe and to keep him protected. This is a time when the world's view of what our family "needs" could easily distract him (or any Husband/Daddy) from what he is called to do for the Lord. I am also praying for the place where we are headed-that they are kind, God-loving, Bible-living people that will love my family and accept us into their family with open arms.

As scary as this all may sound, I am REALLY excited. Having moved here four years ago and GROWN through all we have gone through, it is a blessing to know that the Lord is leading us to the next step in His plan for us. There are fears that creep in. I am not a robot. Overwhelmingly though, I am FILLED with joy knowing that God has us right where He wants us and that He is preparing a way for us.

Blessings to you tonight.

One more thing, please pray for my friend "Belle". Her story isn't mine to share, but her heart is broken tonight. She has been on my mind and I am praying that the Lord is with her tonight. If her name pops into your mind over the next few weeks, please lift her up before the throne.


Perri said...

You guys will be in my prayers --- as will Belle.

In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.

~ Psalm 5:3, NLT

Ginger DeBusk said...

Lifting you and your family in prayer right now. The Lord has great things prepared for you and I can't wait to hear about the next step of your faith filled journey.