This is where I have been so much lately. No. I haven't been at school with Graycen. However, the fact that SHE has been there has kept me fairly busy. It is just one of those seasons in life where I don't have much time for much of anything other than being "Honey" to Nathan and "Mama" to the kids. The schedule is completely out of whack with the additions of morning and afternoon carpool, so the gym has been a little off as well. No worries though. We will all settle into our new schedule soon enough.
Many times in our line of work, these seasons come when we don't have any time for anything it seems. Over the past year especially, I have learned that if I am to do this job rightly (as in, according to the way God has designed me to do it) I shouldn't resist those seasons. I should fully submit to them.
I know that there are women reading this who are picturing me laying down at my doorstep to become a mat for walking on, but that isn't what I am saying at all. Instead of picturing a doormat, picture a boat on the river. There are times when it is appropriate, helpful even, to paddle with all your might with the current. Other times, it is best to go "oars out" and let the river's force move you along. In those cases, refusing to cease paddling can be dangerous. It could even cause your boat to capsize!
So THAT is a better picture of what I am doing these days; going "oars out". The flows of change, regarding Graycen's new school and the beginnings of our homeschool year at home, are creating change in our days and I am in a time when I am re-seeking where best to place things like my quiet time with the Lord, the gym, blogging, etc. Some of these things (with the exception of my time spent with my Lord) may be simply removed from my life for a time if need be. We'll see. It is a season of sacrifice and MUCH grace for me. I have to be willing to sacrifice or I will not have the grace to provide to my family or myself.
So, for now, I am off to start our homeschooling day here at home! It will seem like a blink before it is time to go and get Graycen, so we have to get moving!
I wanted to point out one last thing before I go. For any of you have ever been rafting or canoeing, you can recall that those "oars out" times, when the water is making white caps and bouncing the boat around, are the times that you usually hear "WOW! That was fun! Let's do THAT again!" from the passengers of the boat. They are the times that you look back on with excitement at the end of your day. I am guessing it will be same with life.
Great post Angela :)
Good analogy, Angela. My life became more hectic when Lydia started school , but once we got into the routine it settles down. Yours will too. I know you know that :)
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