Monday, September 15, 2008


Today was a GREAT day with no distractions. I got things done in the house and I played with my babies. It was fabulous! I am current with my responsibilities here and my children had a completely present, completely focused Mama today.

I knew that I would get so much more done here with the computer off, but what I wasn't prepared for was how much PATIENCE I had available for my children! It was great. Kids will be kids, so of course my children gave me reasons to flip out today. The difference is that I was available to them to train them how what they were doing was wrong. I wasn't rushed and forcing them to behave like children years above where they are.

I really enjoyed myself today! Nathan asked me tonight if I was anxious to get online and, considering that the kids have been down for an hour and a half and I am just signing on, I don't think I did. I started a "Computer to-do list" for things that I think of during the day that I would normally have looked up immediately. I am going to go look up a few of those things and then it is bedtime!

Thank you for all of your encouragement! I am happy that more than 3 people read my blog :o) Hehehehee!


Yvonne said...

WooHooo!! I am glad you DID IT (I'd probably give in :{ !!) and I am glad you feel good about it! I like the "computer to do list" ...hmmmm maybe I'll give it a try!

Perri said...

I'm trying to imagine how much more I would get done if I didn't have a computer on my school desk. good for you.

Joy for the Seasons said...

You know, I had been thinking "Good for HER" and "That is great for HER" when all of a sudden my hard drive bit the dust this morning! Hahaha! I walked a day in your shoes and I admit it was a blessing (a mixed one, but still a blessing). Still, I am thankful Ted could scrounge up and old machine for me tonight! :o)